The Results Are In: RN.com Needs Assessment Survey
A big “thank you” to all of you who responded to RN.com’s Needs Assessment Survey this past July! We really appreciate your feedback and plan to respond to your learning needs as quickly as possible. The purpose of the survey was to assist the Planning Committee at RN.com as we work to identify your specific educational needs and plan educational activities for the coming year.
The 2013 RN.com Needs Assessment Survey was sent out on July 23, 2013 to about 87,973 nurses and we received back 1,285 responses over a 3-week period. It was heartwarming to see that more than 95% of our survey respondents said that our courses currently meet their clinical learning needs and help them improve their practice on a daily basis. This type of feedback encourages us to continue to produce high quality, evidence-based and applicable clinical content – which in turn will help you improve your clinical practice.
What RN.com Learners Really Want
It was noteworthy to find that most of our learners are interested in receiving additional courses in Critical Care (14% of survey respondents); OR/ Perioperative Practice (10.5%); Professional Practice and Case Management (8.4%), and Leadership, Mother Baby/ NICU, ICU & Trauma (each scoring about 7%). Armed with this new information, we plan to increase our course offerings in these high-need areas in 2014. On a related note, we would like to remind our learners that RN.com now offers more than 80 clock hours of pre-approved CCMC (Commission for Case Manager Certification) courses at no additional charge!
Interestingly, our survey results revealed that the biggest learning gaps are in patient education (32%), medication uses & risks (27%) and pathophysiology (22.7%). When developing new courses in 2014, we intend to particularly focus on these areas of need. We also discovered that most of our learners prefer short courses (36% prefer 1-2 contact hours and 42% prefer 3-4 contact hours), and only 10% of learners prefer courses longer than 4 hours. We will definitely strive to offer a larger selection of shorter courses next year.
How RN.com Learners Feel About Us
After reviewing your comments, we are very pleased to learn that many of you consider RN.com “an excellent resource (for) education" and think "the CEUs are reasonable in price.” We also received positive feedback on the ease of navigating the website and the wide range of topics offered. Still others expressed their appreciation for the free course offerings. Many of those surveyed said that RN.com courses are “well-written and educational,” while a couple of respondents went so far as to express their “love” for our courses – thank you!
On the downside, we received a complaint that our courses are “geared towards hospital nurses.” However, since the majority of our members practice in the acute care setting, we will need to continue our focus on acute care courses.
The feedback we received is most informative and the entire Education Team thanks you for your participation, support and continued loyalty. We intend to make 2014 an even better year, full of engaging and practical educational courses, better enabling you to make a real difference in the lives of your patients – each and every day!
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